Friday, August 26

Pretty Patterns

Recall this shirt I bought two weeks ago? The photo in the haul post made it look like an unflattering blob. I'm posting this to prove otherwise, and to declare my unfailing love for this article of clothing.

 Shirt: NY&Co, thrifted ($3.50)
Shorts: Eddie Bauer, thrifted ($3)
Shoes: Rack Room ($15)
Purse: thrifted ($2)

Monday, August 22

Summer's Slippin' Away...

Just your standard outfit post today. :) 

 Top: By Fluxus, thrifted ($3.50)
Shorts: Charlotte Russe ($5)
Scarf: Charlotte Russe ($4.50)
Purse: Target, $15
Shoes: Sperry (gift)
Sunglasses: old

Thursday, August 18

More Thrift Store Finds

a. Turquoise dress from Gap, has embroidered neckline. ($4)
b. Green Calvin Klein dress, has embroidered straps ($4)
c. Orange shirt from Old Navy...I need to wear orange for an upcoming event and I realized I didn't have any! So problem solved. ($3.50)
d. Pink pants from Moda International...I just wanted colorful pants. ($3.50)
e. Printed sleeveless blouse from NY&Co, with scarf tie collar. The picture doesn't do it justice, but you'll see an outfit post on it later! ($3.50)
f. Navy polka dot blouse from American Eagle ($3.50)
g. Yellow chinos from Gap. I loved these so much I bought them even though they're too big for me. I'll probably butcher these in the process of trying to alter them...but I'm going to try. ($3.50)
h. Cute dark navy vintage-y bag. ($2)

Sunday, August 7

Bag Sale No. 2

Hey friends! I apologize for my lack of presence around here lately, but that time of the year is almost upon us. Summer's almost over, and I have absolutely no idea how my life/my schedule is going to be like from here on out. So the days of my consistent posting habits may soon be over as well.

Anyway, I went to my second bag sale this weekend! This time I got 11 pieces of clothing for $3.65. I don't know why they keep charging me less than $4 when it's a $4 Bag Sale...but no complaints here!

a. Three tank tops, one by Faded Glory, one by American Eagle, and one from Old Navy.
b. Super super super long shirt from American Eagle. Which is awesome because I can cut the excess fabric and made embellishments for the shirt with it!
c. Striped top from American Eagle.
d. Light white top, kind of a dolman style. Super cute when you put it on!
e. Solid scoop neck tee from Old Navy.
f. Butterfly sleeve styled top. Sleeves are a little ridiculous, but I loved the fabric and I needed more stuff to fill the bag, so I figured I'd alter it a bit!
g. Blue printed dress by George; it's a size 12 so it's too big as it is, I'll do some light alteration on it.

These two were in the bag as well:
These will be my project dresses. There's lots of excess material on both, which is perfect for my intentions.

I also purchased two other items which weren't included in the bag sale. They were $5 each, which, after buying a whole pile of clothes for less than that, felt pretty bad. But I think they were both worth it.
Loose 3/4 top by Fluxus and Cropped Trench Rain Jacket by Maurice's