I went to Goodwill this past weekend and have quite a few good finds to share! But today I want to focus on one particular item I purchased, because it's a little unconventional. I purchased this boxy, seemingly homemade dress/nightgown type thing:
The first time I spotted this on the racks I didn't even give it a second glance. I loved the print but it was just ridiculous, and the fabric was an odd texture and slightly sheer so it wasn't something I'd invest in as an alteration project. But I went back to it later and came to the realization that it could be used for a rather unconventional DIY project...conversion from a dress to wall decor!
Basically I cut out squares to match the size of some square canvases I had lying around, taped the fabric to the back of the canvas with scotch tape, and was done!
Supplies used? Some scotch tape, a dysfunctional goodwill dress ($4), and 4 square canvases (~$8).
So only $12 for some super cute interior decor!
I've seen so many cool patterned but awful looking dresses at Goodwill before. Now I know to buy them and make use of them!
I've seen so many cool patterned but awful looking dresses at Goodwill before. Now I know to buy them and make use of them!
The best part is, I can easily take the fabric off if I ever need the canvas or want to switch it up. I even left some of them still in the plastic packaging underneath the fabric covering.