A while back I was cleaning out the closet and came across some old road maps from family trips back in the day, when smart phones and GPS systems didn't do the work for us. I immediately thought about using it in this project, but being the procrastinator that I am, it took a few weeks to put it into action.
Once I actually got around it it, it was a pretty easy project!
I used Elmer's glue and clear coat varnish to cover the lower half of the box with the map. The hinges and handles on the box were screwed on, so I was able to remove them rather than work around them.
Then I mixed some acrylics into a light blue color for the top. Yes, I was lazy and mixed my colors on the box.
(some tweaking was done....)
And voila! End result.
I'm really happy with how this turned out! The box cost me $2.95 at Goodwill, and the paints were from my existing art supply stock, but probably only cost a few dollars each.
This will go wonderfully with the other things I've redone for my room in the fall.
This will go wonderfully with the other things I've redone for my room in the fall.
And just in case you were wondering, it's a map of Indiana.